Business Forms for Construction Entrepreneurs – Cooperative, Sole Proprietorship, or Limited Company? 

Operating as a small business owner can be challenging, but by choosing the right business form for your construction enterprise, you can optimise your efficiency, management, and risk.

This article compares three popular business forms in the construction industry: cooperative entrepreneurship, sole proprietorship, and limited company entrepreneurship. 

1. Cooperative as a Business Form for Construction Entrepreneurs

Cooperatives are traditional associations of several entrepreneurs that allow for an easy and secure step into entrepreneurship, without the pitfalls that fresh entrepreneurs might face – such as insurance and other administrative costs. Construction cooperatives offer memberships that guarantee entrepreneur status within the cooperative. Members are thus entrepreneurs of the cooperative, operating independently on their own projects using the cooperative’s shared business platform. 

Cooperative entrepreneurship enables members to act independently while benefiting from the advantages provided by the community, such as joint marketing, legal assistance, negotiated benefits and discounts, and administrative services. 



2. Sole Proprietorship in Construction

A sole proprietorship is the most popular business form for solo entrepreneurs in Finland. It is easy and inexpensive to establish and is particularly suitable for small-scale operations. 



3. Limited Company as a Business Form for Construction Entrepreneurs

A limited company (Oy) is a popular business form for larger businesses or entrepreneurs planning to expand their operations. Limited companies are also used for small-scale operations when a reliable person can be included on the board. 




The choice of business form largely depends on the entrepreneur’s readiness to operate responsibly and independently, ensuring that problems with tax authorities or customers do not arise. If the entrepreneur does not want extensive responsibility and risks, a cooperative is an excellent option that minimises administrative responsibility. If the entrepreneur prefers to work alone, a sole proprietorship can be a functional solution. If the entrepreneur wants to grow the business into hundreds of thousands, a limited company can be a good choice. However, remember that it is possible to change the business form as operations change, and starting safely is often wise! 

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Rakennusalan ahdinko on pahimmillaan juuri nyt. Se näkyy ja kuuluu. On optimistista nähdä, että vanhat tukijoukot vuosien takaa palaavat osuuskuntaamme. Erityisesti kasvaa jälleen sama vanha